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Forwarding Mail

Penny Guyer

Okay, so you've been forced to move out of the office you've occupied for years. After unpacking boxes, finding stuff that you had forgotten existed, not finding stuff that you really need, arranging for telephone service, getting computers hooked up, etc., etc., up comes the question of "How do we get our mail forwarded?"

Sounds like a no-brainer, eh? It's not. There are 18,000 people at MIT, all, it seems, office nomads. The problem is that, with so many people moving so often, it's nearly impossible to track who's on first. Therefore, MIT Mail Services delivers according to room number, and, generally, not by name. When your old office is closed down, this is no problem. We simply remove the mail slot from the sorter in your old mail center, and post a note to forward all mail to the new office. But. . . that almost never happens. New people generally move right into your old office, and expect their mail in that slot. So – we’re left with trying to sort out mail for new people from mail to be forwarded. We put up notes near the mail slots to remind sorters of who moved out, but, naturally, that’s no guarantee all the mail to be forwarded will get caught.

The key, of course, is getting your address changed with the people who send you mail. Again, a no-brainer that isn’t. At MIT, the main database is maintained by Personnel. And changing that address is pretty smooth. You can change your address online at Personnel’s web site, or fill out the card at the back of the Faculty/Staff directory. But – this changes your address with only those departments that use Personnel’s database for their mailings. It does not change it with the Credit Union, with Accounting, with MIT Medical, with, with, with…you can see the problem.

Here’s the best procedure:

  1. Change your address with Personnel, either electronically or via the card in the back of the directory.
  2. Contact MIT Mail Services at mailsvc@mit.edu with the old and new room numbers, and the names of the people moving.
  3. Use the Change of Address postcards that Mail Services supply to notify correspondents both on and off campus. We’ll supply as many as you want.

And we’ll do the best we can.

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