[ Current Firefox Version: 0.9.1 | Current Thunderbird Version: 0.7.1 ]

Firebird Locker - Thunderbird


Mozilla Thunderbird is a fast, full featured mail and newsgroup client with advanced spam filtering abilities. For more information, go to the Thunderbird Website.

Running Thunderbird on Athena

To run Mozilla Thunderbird on Athena, you will first need to attach the firebird locker. This can be done by executing the following command:
athena% add firebird

This will attach the firebird locker to /mit/firebird. To launch Mozilla Thunderbird, type:
athena% thunderbird &

Command Line Options

For a full listing of Thunderbird's command line options, type the command:
athena% thunderbird --help

Additional options are availible on Athena:

Lists the versions of Mozilla Thunderbird that are availible for your particular hardware platform.
--runver <version>
Runs the specified version of Mozilla Thunderbird