New! Visit the web site for the
Boston Vegetarian Food Festival 2000!

Welcome to the Web site of the

Second Annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival!

The FoodFest was held at Bunker Hill Community College on

Sunday, October 26,1997


11am to 6pm

It was a smashing success, with attendance estimates as high as 7,500 people!

* Sponsors and Exhibitors
* Speakers and Food Demonstrators
* Youth Programs
* Travel Instructions

You can also check out the site for the third annual festival, to be held on October 3, 1998 at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center in Boston or the first festival, held at MIT, which featured 40 exhibitors and attracted more than 3,500 visitors.

The 1997 Boston Vegetarian Food Festival was sponsored by:

The Boston Vegetarian Society

Wild Harvest New England Anti-Vivisection Society Bread and Circus Whole Foods Market

Harvest Cooperative Supermarkets Stop & Shop Supermarkets

If you would like to help us put this event together, please email us at If your browser supports forms, you can also use our online form. We need people with a wide range of skills, so please don't hesitate to contact us!

This page has been accessed at least several times since the counter was last reset, or 14 Sept 1997, whichever is more recent.

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