from string import ascii_lowercase import re VOWELS = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] WORD_LIST = "words.txt" words = file(WORD_LIST, 'r').readlines() # Get rid of newlines words = [word.strip() for word in words] # Print all words containing 'uu'. for word in words: if 'uu' in word.lower(): print word ####### # TODO: print all words that have a q that is not followed by a u. ####### # Print all letters that never appear doubled in an English word. for letter in ascii_lowercase: exists = False for word in words: if letter * 2 in word.lower(): exists = True break if not exists: print "There are no English words with a double " + letter # Print all words that have all 5 vowels. for word in words: has_all_vowels = True for vowel in VOWELS: if vowel not in word.lower(): has_all_vowels = False break if has_all_vowels: print word ####### # TODO: print all words that have no vowels. ####### # Print all words that are palindromes. for word in words: if len(word) > 1 and word == word[::-1]: print word # Use a regular expression to find and print all words containing 'uu'. pattern = re.compile("uu") for word in words: if print word # Use a regular expression to find an print all words matching certain character # constraints. pattern = re.compile("^e.g....r$") for word in words: if print word