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The new CAES, Center for Advanced Educational Services, was born on September 1, 1995. We are in Building 9, from basement thru the fourth floor. Come and visit! Our new focus is on technology-enabled teaching and learning, for both on-campus and off-campus learners. We have an R&D lab, CECI (Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, directed by Steve Lerman), with student research opportunities for freshmen thru Ph.D. students. Our Web-oriented production facility, HTF (Hypermedia Teaching Facility) has Webified over 25 MIT subjects and has completed numerous other Web-based projects. HTF is now melding into a new virtual center, the EMCC (Educational Media Creation Center) co-directed by Vijay Kumar and yours truly. The EMCC is your one-stop shop for Web-based design and production for education and research at MIT. MVP (MIT Video Productions) has tripled the volume of educational video it has produced in the last four years. MVP can produce video for your course or lab. Much of their produced video is digitized, compressed, and stored on CAES’ unique "Video Farm," a 5 terabyte video storage facility run by David Mycue that can support up to 600 simultaneous video streams. That facility is now serving the on-campus students in 8.01 and 18.06, the on-campus and off-campus students in the SMA program, and the off-campus learners of MIT’s offerings to PBS/The Business Channel. Come on down!

Richard C. Larson