Read the Ethernet paper.

Ethernet is a ubiquitous standard for wired Local Area Networks (LANs), and this paper introduces its first version. Please read section 6 “lightly.” We would like you to understand the purpose and significance of the formulas presented there, but we are less concerned about their precise derivation. We absolutely don’t need you to memorize or use them.

As you read, think about the following questions:

  • What problem are the authors trying to solve?
  • What choices do they make, and how do they explain or justify those choices?
  • Do they mention alternatives? If so, what do they say is undesirable about those alternatives?

Question for Recitation

Before you come to this recitation, write up (on paper) a brief answer to the following (really—we don't need more than a sentence or so for each question). If your TA has requested that you email your answer to them, you may do that instead, but it should still be handed in before your recitation begins.

  • How does Ethernet control access to the shared Ether?
  • How is that similar to, or different from, the way that our group discussions work in recitation?

As always, there are multiple correct answers for each of these questions.